Du betrachtest gerade EAEA Younger Staff Training 2023
Alexandre Bury / unsplash

EAEA Younger Staff Training 2023

EAEA Younger Staff Training brings together adult education professionals from across Europe to network and exchange around policy and advocacy. Join us on 18-22 September in Brussels to discuss adult learning and the green transition!
The training targets young professionals in adult learning, encourages an exchange on the diversity of policy and practice across Europe, and supports building new connections in the field.
In 2023, the training will be held in a blended format: input sessions will take place online on 5 and 12 September, while the face-to-face sessions in Brussels on 18-22 September will focus on workshops and study visits.
The daily programme in Brussels builds on the participants’ knowledge of their own context by starting every morning with “adult education my country” sessions. To foster interaction and exchange, the training includes a series of study visits and hands-on workshops.
In 2023, together with our participants we will explore how adult learning can support the green transition, focusing on the roles of adult learning organisations, educators and learners in the process.

Registration period: 9 May -30 June. Please note that registrations will be evaluated on a rolling basis so we encourage you to register early.  

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